Have you ever wanted to embark on a journey of more ecstatic pleasure, sublime joy, and juicy love, free from insecurities, self-doubt, and emotional blockages?  Sounds deliciously liberating, doesn’t it?  Well, it is…. By using Tantric principles, yogic philosophy, mediation, and energetic healing modalities you could be well on your way to spiritual, emotional, and sexual freedom beyond your wildest imagination.

In our culture, we have been poorly educated about how to intimately connect with one another.  Most of us have buried feelings of fear, shame, guilt, and uncertainty when it comes to sexuality and intimacy.  Men often feel frustrated, rejected, emasculated, & nervous about their performance. Women have a long history of feeling used, abused, misused, and undervalued by men.  As a result, we could all use some healing and a more positive attitude when it comes to love, intimacy, and connection.

Dedicated to provide an exceptional experiential, educated approach to the art of sexual, spiritual love for couples and individuals of any gender or sexual preference. Discover how to open your heart wide and dive into yummy intimacy with yourself first and the other. Become a MASTERlover, and blossom into sweet ONEness with your significant other and reach higher states of consciousness TOGETHER. 

BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY NOW: I offer private sessions, via Zoom or in-person as well as game changing Transformation Packages and Weekend Immersions. 

Schedule your Free Consultation Call below!


Intimacy Coaching:

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to… Thankfully you can schedule a zoom, phone session to talk about how to apply Tantra to your life to transform your personal relationships or intimacy issues.

I specialize in a holistic approach that supports you in shifting life challenges into opportunities for growth & lasting change. Explored topics vary from conscious pleasure expansion to sexual dysfunction, to spiritual crisis to learning how to spice up your relationship.  After a free consultation, we will determine a package of calls that will help you meet your therapeutic goals. Each call will be recorded for you to playback for further integration.  Coaching is perfect for individuals and couples alike.

Zoom calls ~ $275/hour, 2 hrs $499

Package of 5 ~ $1111

Free consultation ~ call / fill out the form below

for him



Going through a breakup?

Caught in a sexless marriage?

Bored in your relationship?

Problems in the bedroom?

Difficulties attracting a high-quality lover?

Too low or high libido?

Addicted to porn or sex?

Suffer from ED?

Want to grow spiritually?

…find the SOULutions here!

In an empowered space for you to focus on yourself, you learn to operate from your kingdom. You reconnect with your warrior self from where you are able to make decisions that lead to the success and fulfillment of your desires.

Attain the biggest value and improve the quality of your life: create high-quality relationships, maintain healthy fulfilling intimacy, and have great mind-blowing sex!

Tantra Miami uses ancient proven practices, that allow you to embrace present moment awareness. Induce a mode of consciousness to reach deep inner peace. From this place you can take inspired action, guided by your own inner wisdom that channels pure cosmic wisdom. 

And how does all of this happen? When you awaken in your awareness and learn to channel your sexual energy everything naturally aligns.

The woman you are with blossoms or you show up in a way that the woman you are meant to be with can find you. The freedom is priceless: to BE authentic so the most beautiful part of yourself can be seen without needing to buy love.

The first session is usually all about you. we are energetically connected and I receive the energy through you, first be the receiver and let the energy move.

for her



Do you feel disconnected and unappreciated?

Unworthy and unattractive?

Do you feel alone in your relationship?

Do you feel depressed, non-sexual, and confused?

Do you always meet men who don’t want to commit?

Do you feel more hungry for chocolate than orgasmic pleasure?

Does your heart feel sad and shut down?

Here the SOULutions:

learn to listen to your body and communicate your needs

become more aware and learn to trust yourself

rediscover your deep feminine essence: you have limitless abundance, confidence, creativity, intuition, wisdom, and a sense of transcendence into the mysteries of life

Move from loneliness and struggle to be with the man of your life!

I show you how to move from a place of being anxious, depressed, and stressed out, disconnected from your body and your desires to a place of abundance, ecstatic pleasure, harmony, empowerment, and juicy creative flow

Identify the key patterns that are creating unhappiness in your intimacy and how to change them, so that you are more balanced, whole, and fulfilled

Determine where you are putting the needs of others first so that you can let go of people-pleasing and create your own pleasure-enhancing experience. Let go of perfectionism and self-judgment, so you can be more fulfilled. Overcome fear and trauma and free yourself from feeling oppressed or undervalued. Learn how to fulfill your deepest desires free from society’s right and wrongs and become aligned with your true embodied nature.

Learn to define your own desire and awaken your own body to its full ecstatic pleasure

for couples

Sacred Union


Build Intimacy

Deepen the Bond

Foster Harmony

Create Joy

Strengthen Connection

Manage Big Life Events

Find Meaning and Purpose

Reignite the Spark

For us human beings, relationships are an integral part of being alive, happy and thriving. Often however relationships are the most difficult to navigate for us. 

I am all about honoring the feminine. The intention of the session is that the Goddess feels fully honored, supported and seen. The woman is nurtured and honored. Empowered in her sexuality, she is teaching the new generation of men how to be with her. Liberation of seduction games into lovingly guiding the masculine to understand what your pleasure center is. Many men don’t know how to tend to a woman’s body to open her to her full ecstatic pleasure. learn how to navigate this realm of disconnect.. I empower the female to have the language to guide, I help women be empowered in sex, so you know what is off, and what to say when, claim your bodies back

In this session we generate more closeness


Part of the courses I offer focus on provoking self-inquiry and transforming the relationship within the self, our intimacy, in our everyday lives and at work. 

I also offer retreats for couples and families to foster relationship and bonds with our loved ones.



Free consultation

packages available

2 months twice a week including unlimited texting and emails. (Session Zoom/in person)

In my sessions, you reconnect with your own limitless life force energy and you learn practices that include energetic bodywork.
